Watershed development programme has been implemented with the support of NABARD, with a broad objective of holistic development of marginalized communities in Jamui district through conservation, regeneration and judicious use of all natural resources to keep in view of rural development.
This helps in improving agricultural production, yield, cropping pattern and cropping intensity and also aids in providing resources for livestock population.
The concept of Watershed Management is as old as the concept of crops under irrigated conditions. This led to development of tanks/reservoirs to facilitate increasing production,to meet the demand of ever growing population in the country.
Watershed development projects have been taken up under different programmes launched by the Government of India. The Integrated Wasteland Development Projects Scheme (IWDP) was taken up by the Wasteland Development Board, in 1989. The National Watershed Development Program in RainFed Areas (NWDPRA) was started during 1991 ’s.
This program combines the features of all the three programmes with the additional dimension of improving arable lands through better crop management techniques. The common objective of all these programs has been land and water resource management for sustainable production and productivity.